Growing our team

Growing our team


January 29, 2024

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The latest addition to HTK Group team, Irene MacArthur, our vibrant Marketing Engagement Lead, welcomes you into her world—a world shaped by dynamic experiences and an unyielding passion for innovation and community. 

“My approach is a blend of tradition and innovation. My strength lies in visual storytelling and a positive energy that builds resilient communities. I have always embraced the evolving digital media landscape and see it as a creative outlet and opportunity to inspire.” – Irene says.  

Beyond the corporate arena, Irene is a former international rugby player, showcasing leadership both on and off the field. Her enthusiasm for championing not only Women in sport, but women in all the spaces that they occupy, mirrors her dedication to empowering communities. 

“In the NZ start-up ecosystem, there aren’t enough female, Māori and Pacific founders, and I want to help inspire and bring them together, build and support these connections to help them achieve their dreams. When one of us wins, we all do!” exclaims Irene.  

A beacon for indigenous values, Irene also strives to advocate for Māori and Pacific communities, a commitment reflecting a passion for cultural responsiveness. 

“Creating a two-way dialogue with our indigenous and diverse communities is essential to growth, understanding, and sustainability. You can see in almost every NZ sector, (for example in science and agriculture) how acknowledging and adopting indigenous practices and mātauranga Māori not only benefits the community, but it also improves a sense of belonging. It strengthens our duty as kaitiaki for the environment and our people,” says Irene.


He aha te kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero. What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication. 

Collaboration is key for Irene, especially across HTK Group services and the HTK Startup subsidiary. She’s excited about launching the HTK Start Up website and the inaugural kick-off of Launch Club – a program providing support and resources for aspiring founders. Long term, Irene is determined to drive business growth by engaging, listening, and leading our audience on multiple platforms. Get ready for a journey of entrepreneurial brilliance at HTK Group. Let’s accelerate together! 🚀




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